Friday, February 11, 2011

Egyptian God Tattoos

If you are wearing a tattoo of an Egyptian god then it is probably best to know what it represents as well as looking awesome. I have seen many different Anubis tattoo designs, which is interesting seeing as he represents the underworld but read below for some common Egyptian gods and their meanings.

So lets start with the popular one Anubis; the Egyptians believed that he was the god of embalming and that he was the one who would weigh your heart to see whether it was light enough for you to enter the underworld (heaven). If your heart was light it meant "care free" but heavy meant "sad", which relates to the common day saying that we have today of "carrying a heavy heart". So it was Anubis responsibility to make sure that you would pass on to heaven and I guess it makes sense to have him as a tattoo because he is almost like a guardian angel. By putting trust in Anubis it would help your chances of eternal happiness.

Ra was the god of the sun, the king of kings and he would descend into the underworld every night and then resurrect 12 hours later on the dawn. He was one of the most powerful gods and was always in conflict during the day with his enemy Apep but was always given assistance by the other gods Seth and Bastet. Ra symbolises strength and a nobility of leading the leaders; so if you were considering him as a tattoo I would recommend that you take this meaning into consideration.

He was the god of the storm, desert and violence because these were all enemies of the valley of the Nile. He was actually an interesting character because he was very violent and killed Osiris, however he also helped Ra fight Apep so this would be your typical type of bad boy with a conscience. This would be a good tattoo for a fighter or someone who does not particularly play by the rules.

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